Refund Policy

The purchase of digital products, including PDF downloads, printable worksheets, and online content, is subject to the following terms and conditions. Consumers are advised to review carefully before making any purchase.

Payment + Refund Policy

All transactions for the purchase of intangible products, such as PDF downloads and online content, are processed through Stripe, which uses SSL encryption. Stripe is a secure payment gateway for using all types of credit cards and debit cards, and your payment details are not stored during this process.

Since your purchase is a digital product, it is considered “used” after download or access, and all purchases made on You’ve Got This Math are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Due to the intangible nature of our products, we adhere to a strict no-refund policy.

You’ve Got This Math reserves the right to amend any information, including but not limited to prices, technical specifications, terms of purchase, and product or service offerings, without prior notice.

Delivery of Goods and Services

If you do not receive the digital product link upon completing your purchase, please contact us immediately at [email protected] with your transaction or payment details. We will ensure that your product is delivered as soon as possible.