Gallon Man Free Printable Activity | with Ounces | PDF | Images
Gallon Man
Teachers LOVE Gallon Man, and so will your students. This Gallon Man Printable makes creating a Gallon man easier. I have everything you need to do this activity with your child or students.
The great thing about the Gallon Man printable activity is its versatility. As a parent, you can do this at home either for homeschooling or reinforce school learning. As a teacher, it can be a homework project, a group project, or an individual project.

First, before we all get started, let me just say…yes, I am ALL ABOUT inclusivity. So while I may say Gallon Man in this post, please know that you can assign whatever pronouns or colors that you wish. I am using the term Man in the generic sense.
The first time I did this with my kiddos, it was the first day back from winter break Let’s just say that their attitudes aren’t what I would desire them to be. I know it is hard to get back in the groove. And so on this gray, and very cold winter day, I had to have some fun planned or I would not be holding their attention.
I’m sure you can relate.
Over the next few weeks, our math plans include measurement equivalencies. And of course, one of the aspects we will be memorizing is liquid equivalences.
With all that in mind, I wanted our first day back to be fun. And what is more fun than creating The Gallon Man?
Gallon Man Chart and Supplies
Prep work is very minimal for this project. I purposely did not include a head or face in the Gallon Man PDF so that teachers and students could be creative and add in their own special touch. Paper, paper plates, frisbees, go for it!
- First, print off each part of The Gallon Man Image on colored paper. (If you are doing this in a classroom setting, you may want to one per small group to save paper.)
- Gather up scissors and glue and you are ready to go.
How To Do a Gallon Man
Now comes the fun part….putting your “Gallon Person” together.
- We began by simply cutting out the large gallon man.
- We practiced saying the word (speech practice!) and came up with things that were gallons….like a gallon of milk.
- Next, we cut out the four quarts.
- Once again we practiced saying the word and thought about items that equal this. (Do they even sell quarts of ice cream anymore?)
- Then it was time to glue the quarts on. The quarts represent the arms and legs, so we glued one on each side, and two at the bottom.
- Finally, the important question came……..How many quarts are in a gallon?
- We began by simply cutting out the large gallon man.
- We practiced saying the word (speech practice!) and came up with things that were gallons….like a gallon of milk.
- Next, we cut out the four quarts.
- Once again we practiced saying the word and thought about items that equal this. (Do they even sell quarts of ice cream anymore?)
- Then it was time to glue the quarts on. The quarts represent the arms and legs, so we glued one on each side, and two at the bottom.
- Finally, the important question came……..How many quarts are in a gallon? And it was right in front of them, 4!
- Next up, pints.
- We just repeated the steps with each part of our Gallon Man image.
Discussion of Measurement with Gallon Man
Here is how it went with my very enthusiastic students.
“How many pints are in a quart?”
How many pints are in a gallon?”
With a little counting, I got the answer “Eight!”
And being all about applying math in as many situations as I can, I asked if they could have figured that answer our a better way. My oldest quickly informed me we could count by two’s, and my first grader showed off his skip counting skills to get the answer eight once again.
Adding Pints and Cups on your Gallon Man
Next, we moved unto cups. We repeated the same pattern as before, and then glued on two cups to each pint.
When we hit the questions, I reminded them to use their skip counting skills to answer them.
I asked them how many cups are in a pint, and of course, this was easily answered with a two.
How many cups are in a quart? Well 2 x 2 = 4.
How many cups are in a gallon? My first grader counted by 2 eight times. My second grader decided to count by fours was easier. They both ended up with 16. We are learning so much:)
What about Ounces on a Gallon Man?
Part of our memory work is to also learn that there are 8 fluid ounces in each cup. So if you also are working on this memory work, then this step is for you. If a fluid ounce isn’t apart of your curriculum you can just skip this step!
Let’s be honest. I don’t want to sit and cut out 128 pieces of paper, and neither do you. Or the kids. So for this step, we just cut out a rectangle with eight rectangles in it.
All they need to do is cut above the word fluid ounce and their little rectangles will be ready to glue on.
Other Skills Besides Math
Here is my little princess (dressed as Elsa) trying her hand at it. Learning is not always easy for her, and we are working hard to build fine motor skills.
This was one activity she enjoyed joining in on, and I was thrilled with the little extra cutting practice she got. We still have a long road ahead of us, but I’m confident that she will accomplish this skill.
Gallon Man doesn’t just teach math and liquid measurements. Like with all of our activities, I try to add in a multisensory approach. We surround all our activities in language for a language rich environment.
Now all that is left is to glue these fluid ounces onto the printable man, and the math work is complete.
After all our math talk, I allowed my kiddos to add a head, and decorate their gallon man. My older boys named their “robot” and designed heads for their man. I guess this guy wasn’t excited about starting school back either….but hopefully, with the memory of this fun activity, tomorrow will be a better day!
You’ve Got This!