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10 Free Number Recognition Assessment Worksheets

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These number recognition assessment worksheets will help to visualize and understand identifying numbers, naming numbers, matching numbers to their representative quantities, and Writing numbers both as words and in their numerical forms. Preschool and kindergarten students will learn basic number recognition methods and can improve their basic math skills with our free printable number recognition worksheets.

10 Exciting Worksheets for Number Recognition Assessment

Please download the following number recognition assessment worksheets and practice number recognition on the pages.

10 Exciting Worksheets for Number Recognition Assessment-01

Number Recognition 0-5

Worksheet #1

Number Recognition 1-10

Worksheet #2

Number Recognition 11-20

Worksheet #3

Number Recognition 1-20

Worksheet #4

Number Recognition 1-30

Worksheet #5

Number Recognition 1-50

Worksheet #6

Number Recognition 1-100

Worksheet #7

Number Recognition 51-100

Worksheet #8

Number Recognition 101-150

Worksheet #9

Number Recognition 151-200

Worksheet #10

Benefits of Number Recognition Assessment

Number Recognition is considered a key part of any kindergarten curriculum. Preschoolers are assessed regarding their knowledge of number recognition. Either verbally or using worksheets.

Number recognition worksheets help kids understand the value each numeral holds for the sign it represents. There are mainly four benefits of number recognition assessment activities for students’ educational development.

By using number recognition assessment activities, a preschool student can:  

  • Identifying numbers – Students learn to properly and instantly recognize numbers from 0 to 9 by identifying numerals.
  • Naming numbers – mainly teaching students to recall a number’s name when they see it in either numerical or quantitative form.
  • Matching numbers to their representative quantities – Students can learn how to look at a quantity of objects and match this quantity to the correct number.
  • Writing numbers – Students can write numbers, both as words and in their numerical forms.

Benefits of Number Recognition Assessment Activity-01


Worksheet for Number Recognition Assessment 0-5

In this activity, a teacher or parent will ask students to tell the numbers one by one. Record the score after the number recognition assessment.

Worksheet for Number Recognition Assessment 1-10

In this section, there are 20 orange boxes, with 1-10 numbers randomly chosen for our kids. To test your kid’s number recognition abilities, download and print the testing worksheet and then show it to them.

Worksheet for Number Recognition Assessment 11-20

And here, 11-20 numbers are given randomly to our kids. Now test your kids’ number recognition abilities; download and print the testing worksheet, and then show it to them.

Worksheet for Number Recognition Assessment 1-20

On this testing worksheet, you can test your child from 1 to 20 together. Don’t forget to record the score. This will help identify the improvement in your little one.

Worksheet for Number Recognition Assessment 1-30

And here, 1-30 numbers are given randomly. You can test your kid daily, weekly, or monthly with these testing worksheets.

Worksheet for Number Recognition Assessment 1-50

This section is for kindergarten and 1st-grade students. So here, I give 1-50 numbers randomly. Now test your kids’ number recognition abilities.

Worksheet for Number Recognition Assessment 51-100

This section is also for kindergarten and 1st-grade students. And here, I give 51-100 numbers randomly. Now test your kids’ number recognition abilities.

Worksheet for Number Recognition Assessment 1-100

After completing all the testing worksheets above perfectly, take this worksheet for your kids’ number recognition assessment from 1- 100 together.

Number Recognition Assessment 101-200

This section is a bonus for advanced learners. Two different worksheets are given here. In the first worksheet, numbers range from 101-150, and in the second worksheet, numbers range from 151- 200.

So, look at the worksheet; numbers are given here from 101 to 150. Download and print the testing worksheet, and then give it to the students. Our final worksheet includes numbers from 151 to 200 for more advanced students. Download and print the testing worksheet, and then give it to the students. 

Download Free Printable PDF

Download the following combined PDF and enjoy your practice session.

So today, we’ve discussed number recognition assessment worksheets. Download our free worksheets and after practicing these worksheets, the students will surely improve their skills in identifying numbers, naming numbers, matching numbers to their representative quantities, and Writing numbers both as words and in their numerical forms, etc.

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