
Comparing Fractions with Different Denominators | 5 Free Printable

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These comparing fractions with different denominators worksheets will help to visualize and understand the value of fractions and number systems. 1st and 2nd-grade students will learn basic comparing methods and can improve their basic math skills with our free printable worksheets.

5 Worksheets on Comparing Fractions with Different Denominators

Download the following worksheets and learn to compare fractions with different denominators.

Comparing Fractions with Different Denominators

Block Diagrams

Worksheet #1

Calculating LCM

Worksheet #2

Cross Multiplication

Worksheet #3

Using Pie Charts

Worksheet #4

Decimal Method

Worksheet #5

As you can see, I’m using the terms “numerator” and “denominator,” which are new to us. There are a few terminology for fractions. In mathematics, a fraction is a way to express a number that represents a piece of a whole.

a girl comparing fractions with different denominators

The fundamental components of fractions are the numerators and denominators. Knowing the numerators and denominators is necessary if you want to do various mathematical operations using fractions. Continue reading to gain a thorough understanding of all of these.

Introduction to Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction

The number at the top of a fraction, known as the numerator, denotes the count or quantity being taken into account. It is a division operation’s dividend. For instance, the numerator of the fraction 3/5 is 3.

The fraction’s denominator, which is the figure at the base of the fraction, indicates the total number of equally-sized pieces into which the whole is divided. In a division operation, it serves as the divisor. The denominator of the fraction 3/5 is 5.

5 Ways of Comparing Fractions with Different Denominators

These worksheets are very basic mathematical operations regarding fractions. Follow the activities below and practice yourself.

Comparing Fractions with Different Denominators by Using Block Diagrams

In this portion, I will use different types of visual elements to compare fractions. We can use squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles to represent fractions. Let’s see an example of visual elements to compare fractions.

comparing fractions with different denominators by using block diagrams


Calculate LCM and Compare Fractions with Different Denominators

Here, in this portion, we need to find the LCM of the denominators of the fractions. Follow the steps of the following example.

comparing fractions with different denominators by calculating LCM


Comparing Fractions with Different Denominators Using Cross Multiplication

We multiply the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of the second fraction to compare fractions using cross multiplication. Let’s use an illustration to better grasp this.

comparing fractions with different denominators by using cross multiplication


Comparing Fractions with Different Denominators by Using Pie Charts

Here, a pie will be presented to find the comparison between two fractions. Comparing fractions with different denominators becomes easier with this visualization process. I will consider two fractions, 2/4 and 2/6. The greater area represents the greater fraction. Have a look at the following picture.

comparing fractions with different denominators by using pie chart


Decimal Method to Compare Fractions with Different Denominators

By using decimal procedures, you may compare fractions. Here, we contrast fractions’ decimal values. In this case, the fraction is transformed into decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator. The decimal values are then contrasted.

comparing fractions with different denominators by using decimal method


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In this article, I have discussed 5 interesting ways of comparing fractions with different denominators like- using block diagrams, calculating LCM, using cross multiplication, using pie charts, and introducing decimal methods. Download our free worksheets, and after practicing these worksheets, students will surely improve their mathematical skills and have a better understanding of comparing fractions.

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