40 Measuring Lines Clip Cards to Make Measurement For Kids Fun
Here are 40 clip card to make measurement for kids fun and exciting. They focus on measuring in cm, inches, half inches, and quarter inches.
When it comes down to teaching measurement, lots of practice is needed. A great place to start is to allow children to measure objects around the room. It is fun! Everyone is moving around, it is real life work, and children enjoy it.
But we have to face the negative here. At some point, we have to teach children to get exact measurements, to half and even a quarter inch. To do this, we need lines that equal this amount. And this is where these fun clip cards come in!
Measurement for Kids Clip Cards Prep -Work
- First, print off the clip cards on card stock paper.
- Next, cut out clip cards and laminate.
- To make the cards self-checking, place a sticker on the back of the clip card where the clothespins are supposed to go.
- Grab a ruler and clip and you are ready to go.
Home-X Wooden Clothespins. Set of 50.ETA hand2mind Beginner Dual-Scale 12-inch Ruler (Pack of 12)
Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches, 8.9 x 11.4-Inches, 3 mil thick, 100-Pack (TP3854-100)
How to Use:
These cards are simple to use. Once they are cut out simply put them in a center, use them during your small group time, or use them at home for extra review.
There are numerous levels included in this set.
First Set:
The first set has 20 clip cards that focus on measuring cm. The answers range from 2 to 10 cm and give children exposure to lots of different measurements.
The next set is all about inches. And there are numerous levels to this. The first five cards have children measuring to the nearest inch, but then the work gets a little harder.
Next, the clip cards have children focusing on measuring in the nearest half inch. This can be so difficult for some children. Many rulers have numerous marks allowing us to measure 1/8 and even 1/16 of an inch. This is so much clutter, and some kiddos can’t block it out.
When teaching this, first children must understand what 1/2 is and what 1/4 is. And though using pattern blocks and food are fun ways to teach fractions, in this case using a number line may help the most. Once children understand what 1/2 looks like on a number line then you can move into measuring to the nearest half inch.
Another option is to find rulers like this. These special rulers take out the extra “clutter” and help children visualize what 1/2 inch and then 1/4 of an inch looks like. It is a great starting place for the children that are really struggling with this concept.
Finally, the last set is to measure by to 1/4 and 3/4 an inch. Again, helping children see 1/4 and 3/4 on a number line, will help them master this final task.
I hope these clip cards make measurement for kids fun! Enjoy!
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