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Finding the Missing Number in Circle Puzzle | 5 Free Worksheets

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These worksheets on finding the missing number in a circle puzzle will help to visualize and understand finding missing numbers. 2nd-5th grade students will learn basic finding missing numbers methods and can improve their basic math skills with our free printable puzzle worksheets.

5 Exciting Worksheets for Finding the Missing Number in Circle Puzzle

Please download the following worksheets on finding the missing number in the circle puzzle and practice missing number problems on the pages.

Finding Missing Number in Circle Puzzle

Completing Circle

Worksheet #1

Missing Number

Worksheet #2

Finding Product

Worksheet #3

Division Puzzle

Worksheet #4


Worksheet #5

Complete the Missing Circle Puzzle

Follow these steps to complete the circle.

  • The first circle is divided into four parts.
  • Add up the upper parts and the lower left part, and it will be 4+1+5.
  • Write the answer on the right side of the lower circle which is 10.

Complete the Missing Circle puzzle

Now download the free worksheet for more practice.

Find the Missing Number

To get the missing number, we will find the method.

  • In the first two circles, the subtraction of the upper parts and the lower parts are the same.
  • For the third circle, 12-3= 9. So, the subtraction of the lower part will be the same as 9.
  • Thus, the answer is 9.

Find the Missing Number in circle puzzle

Now download the free worksheet for more practice.

Finding Missing Numbers in Circle Puzzle Using Multiplication

This worksheet is all about finding the missing number through multiplication.

  • Find the product.
  • Here, the numbers of the upper parts of the circles are multiplied.
  • The answer is written in the lower part.
  • Thus, the answer to the third circle is 7*3=21.

Division Puzzle for Missing Number

Now, it’s time to solve the problems of division.

  • The outer numbers of the circle are divisor and dividend. 
  • So, it becomes 14/7=24/12 and the answer is written inside the circle.
  • Thus the answer is 3 for the second circle.

Solving Division Puzzle

Now download the free worksheet for more practice.

Download the Free Worksheet with the Answer

Download the following combined PDF and enjoy your practice session.

We’ve discussed finding the missing number in a circle puzzle using the concepts of dividing, multiplying, completing, finding missing numbers, and solving riddles. Download our free worksheets, and after practicing these worksheets, students will surely improve their mathematical skills and have a better understanding of finding missing numbers.

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