FREE Number Line Game to Build Number Sense (Three Levels)
Your kids will love this number line game that will help build number sense. With three levels you can work on numbers to 10, numbers to 100, or to 1,000.

Number lines are a wonderful way to build number sense. There are so many ways to use number lines, from patterns to adding and even dividing. But today, we are simply working on counting and number recognition.
This number line game though has a little bit of a challenge. Today, our sweet kiddos get to work on counting backwards to figure out what number the “bug” ate!
Our number line game requires a little bit of prep, but if can be used over and over again.
- Choose which level you would like to use, and then print off the cards and game boards for that level. I recommend using cardstock if you plan on using multiple times.
- Next, cut out the cards with the number lines on them.
- Finally, gather up bingo markers and you are ready to go!
Neenah Cardstock, 8.5Learning Resources Transparent Color Counting Chips, Set of 250 Assorted Colored Chips, Ages 5+
AmazonBasics Thermal Laminator Machine
Number Line Game
Now it is time for some number line work.
The children take turns drawing a card and solving the problem. Once the figure out what number the “bug” is covering up, they find that number on their bingo sheet and cover it up. The first person who gets five in a row wins.
Numbers Below 10
This level is for our young learners. The number lines only go to the number 10, and it allows are littles to focus on the single-digit numbers.
Double-Digit Numbers
The next level jumps into double-digit numbers. These number lines focus on numbers below 100, and some might be a little challenging. Many of the number lines end in numbers like 50. This means that our children need to know that 49 comes before 50. If this is something they are struggling with, you could provide a hundreds chart to help.
Numbers in the Hundreds
Finally, we get to the numbers in the hundreds. These clip cards go just a little past 1,000 and let children work on those fun numbers with three digits!
Even though the game is quite simple, the skills the number sense they build while playing is invaluable!!!
Need more building number sense activities! Check them out here.