A FREE No-Prep Game for Subtracting With Money
Can you make it all the way around the board and not spend all your money? This no-prep game gets children subtracting with money. They start at $10 and “buy” toys as they move around the board. Who will have the most money at the end of the game!
Before Toy’s R Us closed their doors, it was a favorite store for my little ones. Even though we were very infrequent visitors, they knew where this special store was located and pointed it out every time we drove by! Normally, the pointing was accompanied by, “Mom, can we go there?”
Toy stores are fun places, and today’s game lets children “buy” toys as they move around a game board. It is a fun way to get children subtracting with money!
Did I mention that this game is a no-prep game? You just need a few supplies and you are ready to go.
- First, step is to print the game off on card stock paper. This will help it hold up longer.
- Next, you will need play money.
- Finally, gather up game pieces and a die…..and you are ready to go.
Melissa & Doug Classic Play Money Set (Developmental Toys, 50 of Each Denomination, Wooden Cash Drawer)AUSTOR 50 Pieces Game Dice Set 5 Translucent Colors Square Corner Dice with a Free Pouch
Shappy 96 Pieces 1 Inch Multicolor Plastic Pawn Chess Pieces for Board Games, Component, Tabletop Markers, Arts and Crafts
Subtracting with Money Game:
This game is super easy to play.
- Begin by giving $10 to each player.
- Then player one rolls the die and moves that many spaces. Whatever picture he lands on, is the toy he/she must purchase. (If they land on a dollar, they get to add a dollar to the money they have in their hand.)
- next, player two rolls the dice, travels up that many spaces, and once again “buys” the toy they landed on.
- This continues until a player runs out of money, or both players reach the end space. The person with the most money left, wins!!!!
How to Subtract Money
The first subtraction will be the hardest because they must subtract from a 10 dollar bill, and some exchanging must be done. This may require a lot of help at first, and then slowly you can back off so they become more independent.
Let’s say, player one rolls a three and lands on the cute robot. They are required to play $3.89.
- First, we need to break the $10 bill up into ones. You could have them break it up into a five-dollar bill and then five ones, or just do 10 ones.
- Next, we need to take the one-dollar bill and break it up into coins. Here is where they may need some help. I suggest, starting at quarters and going down from there.
- How many quarters are in a dollar? (4)
- Can I use quarters to pay 89 cents? (no)
- Well, I know that three quarters equals 75 cents. How much more do I need to get to 89 cents? (14 cents…and if they don’t know how to figure that out, have them use a hundred chart. 75 to 85 is 10 cents or a dime, and 85 to 89 is four cents or four pennies.
- Alright, I made it to 89 cents, but now I need to get to 100! How much more money do I need? (11 cents)
- Now, that they have change it is easy to pay the $3.89. They place three dollars, three quarters, and nine pennies back in the “bank” pile!
4. Finally, have them count out what is left. $10 – $3.89 = $6.11
I hope you enjoy this subtracting with money game!!!!
You’ve Got This,
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