FREE Puzzles For a Fun Multiplying Decimals Activity
Your older kiddos will love this multiplying decimals activity! These fun puzzles add some excitement while practicing this skill.
It is springtime, and time for all things with bunnies and cute little chicks. Well today, we are loving the bunnies and I have some fun puzzles to get in some extra practice with multiplying decimals activity.
Puzzles always require a little prep, but they can be used over and over again!!!
- First, print off the puzzles on card stock paper. Print off the record sheet on regular paper and print off enough so that each student will get one.
- Next, cut the puzzles out and I highly recommend that you laminate them so they can be used over and over again.
- Finally, gather up some pencils and you are ready to go!!!!
Multiplying Decimals Activity
Now that the prep work is done, the children get to work through the problems and find the answer to complete the problems.
I firmly believe in giving children options when it comes to solving problems. SO if you have a child that is struggling with the method you taught them, try a different method.
My oldest loves the lattice method, and you can easily do this with decimals. I have children with special needs that the lattice method worked wonder for. If they can draw and can figure out their multiplication basic multiplication facts they can do this.
I hope this method helps any kiddo that is struggling to multiply decimals the traditional way. I know it has helped up!!!
You’ve Got This!
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