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5 Free Fraction Puzzle Worksheets | Fun Activities

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These fraction puzzle worksheets will help to visualize and understand fractions. 2nd to 5th-grade students will learn basic methods for solving fractions and can improve their basic math skills with our free printable fraction puzzle worksheet.

5 Exciting Fraction Puzzle Worksheet

Please download the following fraction puzzle worksheet and practice puzzles on the pages.

fraction puzzle pizza

Fraction Puzzle

Worksheet #1

Spinning Wheel

Worksheet #2

Pizza Shop

Worksheet #3

Fraction Card

Worksheet #4

Bingo Game

Worksheet #5

Fraction Puzzle Solving

Design the puzzles with an optional lower half that, when laminated, allows students to write in the fraction, the parts, and the total number of equal parts using a whiteboard marker.

Students fill out the sentence frame defining the elements on the recording sheet that is included with these number puzzles after writing down the fraction number, drawing it, and writing the fraction in word form.

using puzzle solving to describe Fraction Puzzle Worksheet

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Spin and Cover Fraction Puzzle Worksheet

The discs are placed in the grid following the player’s selections, and then the column is twisted to align the discs. They must obtain four consecutively, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, to win.

Making a spinning wheel is now the next step. Cover the appropriate fraction after spinning the wheel.

Using spin describe Fraction Puzzle Worksheet

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Fraction Puzzle Using Pizza Shop

Here, students are divided into two teams. One team acts as shopkeepers, and the others will be customers.

For example, three students will own a shop where two of them will make pizza slices and the other will become the seller. The fractions will be written on the slice.

Then the other group will come and ask the price of the pizza. After knowing the price, she will write down the fraction and draw it.

The teacher will confirm whether it’s right or wrong. If team two gives the correct answer, they will get the pizza slice. Otherwise, they lose, and team one gets the slice.

Using pizza shop to describe Fraction Puzzle Worksheet

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Fraction Puzzle Solving by Picking Cards

There will be two players. Make some cards with fraction numbers and ask them to pick one card at a time. The first player will pick a card and get a faction, then put his marble on the board where fraction numbers are written. 

After that, the second one will continue this process. Whoever arrives at the finish line first wins a pizza. If they pick the same card again or pick a smaller number after a bigger one, they will go back too!

picking cards to describe Fraction Puzzle Worksheet

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Pizza Fraction Bingo Puzzle

Bingo scorecards include the word “BINGO” across the top with 25 fractions on them. Our objective is to fill five of those squares in a row that is either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.

The caller is the player who announces the toppings or fraction numbers that determine which squares are covered on each player’s scorecard during a game of bingo.  The caller continues to participate in the game alongside everyone else.

There must be at least one scorecard per player. As long as they can keep track of all the fraction numbers on the various cards, players are permitted to use more than one scorecard.

A player should shout “Bingo” to let the other players know they have won when they have five covered squares in a row on their scorecard. The caller will stop making new pairings when someone calls “Bingo.”

Playing bingo to describe Fraction Puzzle Worksheet

Now download the free worksheet for more practice.

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Download the following combined PDF and enjoy your practice session.

So today, we’ve discussed fraction puzzle worksheets using the concepts of puzzle solving, pizza shop, spin and cover, bingo, etc. Download our free worksheets, and after practicing these worksheets, students will surely improve their mathematical skills and better understand fraction puzzles.

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