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7 Free How Many Tens and Ones Worksheets

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These worksheets on counting how many tens and ones will help you visualize and understand place value and number systems. 1st-grade students will learn what tens and ones are in a number and improve their basic math skills with our free printable tens and ones worksheets.

7 Exciting How Many Tens and Ones Worksheets

Please download the following worksheets on counting how many tens and ones and practice them on the pages.

how many tens and ones worksheets box image

Counting Blocks

Worksheet #1

Counting and Coloring

Worksheet #2

Filling gaps

Worksheet #3

Writing Combined Number

Worksheet #4

Correct amount of Tens

Worksheet #5

Correct amount of Ones

Worksheet #6

Groups of Tens and Ones

Worksheet #7

Counting Blocks in Tens and Ones

In this worksheet, you will see some groups of blocks. You need to count the groups of tens and ones from the blocks and note them in the given boxes.

The first one is done as an example.

Counting and Coloring Ones and Tens

In this worksheet, students will find the groups of tens and ones. Square shapes indicate tens and circles indicate ones. You need to color the accurate number of tens and ones as indicated in the question.

Filling Gaps with correct Tens and Ones

In this worksheet, your student will find how many tens and ones are present in a given number. They must fill in the gaps with the correct tens and ones.

Writing Correct Combined Numbers Using Tens and Ones

In this activity, your student has to form the correct number from the given clues of tens and ones. Analyze the clue thoroughly and write the correct combined number.

Determining the Correct Amount of Tens

Determine the correct amount of tens by observing the numbers and writing them in the blanks.

Determining Correct Amount of Ones

You have to write the correct number of ones from the given numbers. Determine the correct amount of ones and fill in the blanks.

Making Groups of Tens and Ones from Given Clues

You will find several groups of objects in the following worksheet. Count these objects carefully to determine how many tens and ones are present in each group.

Download the Free PDF

Download this practice sheet by clicking on the download button and printing it from your device.

We’ve discussed calculating how many tens and ones there are using the concepts of determining tens and ones, counting blocks, filling gaps, combining numbers, and making groups from the given clues. Download our free worksheets and by practicing these worksheets, the students will improve their skills in counting tens and ones.

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