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7 Free Negative Numbers on a Number Line Worksheets

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These negative numbers on a number line worksheets will help to visualize and understand negative numbers on a number line and number system. 5th and 6th-grade students will learn characteristics of negative numbers and number lines and can improve their basic math skills with our free printable interactive worksheets.

7 Exciting Negative Numbers on a Number Line Worksheets

Please download the following negative numbers on a number line worksheet and practice. 

negative numbers box images-01

 Negative Integers

Worksheet #1

Comparing and Ordering

Worksheet #2

Unknown Numbers

Worksheet #3


Worksheet #4


Worksheet #5

Multiple Questions

Worksheet #6

Word Problem

Worksheet #7

Positive and Negative Numbers on a Number Line

Have you ever thought about how numbers can be more than just counting? Buckle up, because we’re about to take an exciting ride through the land of “Positive and Negative Numbers on a Number Line”! Numbers have a hidden secret – they can be positive or negative, and that’s what we’re here to explore! Let’s understand this concept with an example:

Suppose there is a cool playground in front of your school. Imagine the playground as a number line, where zero is the middle of the playground. It starts from zero and goes on forever in both directions. On the right side, you’ll find the positive numbers, like your cheerleaders, full of positivity and energy.

But wait, there’s more to this story! Let’s take a small step to the left. What do we find? It’s a whole new world of numbers—the land of negative numbers! These numbers might seem a bit mysterious at first, but fear not, because we’re about to unravel their secrets together.

negative numbers and positive number

Positive numbers on a number line

The numbers that are on the right side of the zero of a number line are called positive numbers. Every time you take a step to the right on the number line, you’re adding positive numbers. For example, if you start at zero and take a step to the right, you’ll land on 1. Keep going, and you’ll meet 2, 3, and more! 

Negative numbers on a number line

The numbers that are on the left side of the zero of a number line are called negative numbers. It increases in number but with a negative sign, and the negative sign means the value of the number or integer is decreasing. Every time you take a step to the left on the number line, you’re adding negative numbers. For example, if you start at zero and take a step to the left, you’ll land on -1. Keep going, and you’ll meet -2, -3, and more!

Worksheet of Plotting Negative Integers on a Number Line

To plot a negative number on a number line, you will have to go through the following steps:

Step 1: The Number Line

Take a look at the number line provided. You’ll see that it starts at  -10 on the left, goes through zero in the middle, and ends at +10 on the right.

Step 2: Plotting Points:

Your task is to plot the given negative integers on the number line. Each number will have its own point on the line. Remember that as you move to the left, the numbers get smaller.  

Step 3: Labeling Points

Once you’ve plotted each point, don’t forget to label them with the corresponding negative integer. This will help you remember which point represents which number. Let’s see an example:

Steps of plotting negative numbers on a number line (1)

Now let’s do some exercises.

Comparing and Ordering Negative Numbers on a Number Line

In this activity, you will have to compare and order the given negative numbers and plot them on a number line. Let’s have a look at the steps:

Step 1: Draw a Number Line

Draw a number line on a board, on chart paper, or on a printed number line worksheet. Make sure to label the integers with negative and positive values.

Step 2: Identify the Numbers

Provide the list of negative numbers you want students to compare and order. For example: -3, -7, -1, -9, -5.

Step 3: Begin with the Smallest Value

Start by plotting the smallest negative number on the number line. In this case, the ordering will be -9,-7, -5, -3, -1.

Step 4: Compare and Plot the Rest

Move along the number line and compare the remaining negative numbers one by one. Plot them in their appropriate positions based on their values. Encourage students to visualize the position of each number relative to others.

Steps of plotting negative numbers on a number line (2)

Let’s go for some practice!

Identifying Unknown Negative Numbers on a Number Line

In this exciting activity, you will be given a task by your teachers to identify unknown negative numbers on a number line. There are instructions for teachers to assign this task to their students:

  1. Add a point F to the number line and ask students to identify the unknown negative number represented by it.
  2. Create a scenario where the points on the number line represent temperatures. Identify the temperatures corresponding to the unknown negative numbers.
  3. Provide this paper to your students.

Steps of plotting negative numbers on a number line (3) Are you ready for some practice sessions? Good luck!

Worksheet for Addition of Negative Numbers on a Number Line

In this activity, we will explore adding negative numbers using a number line. The number line will serve as a visual aid to help us understand how negative numbers combine and how addition involving negative numbers works.

Step 1: Defining Negative Numbers

First, we will identify the negative numbers. Suppose the numbers are -2 and -3.

Step 2: The Number Line

Draw a number line.

Step 3: Adding Negative Numbers

Now, let’s see how to add negative numbers using the number line. Consider adding (-3) + (-2). Start at zero, move 3 units to the left for the first negative number, and then move 2 more units to the left. Where did we end up? Let’s mark that point with a sticky note or token. We see that (-3) + (-2) gives us (-5).

Steps of plotting negative numbers on a number line (4)

Now let’s do some exercises.

Worksheet for Subtraction of Negative Numbers on a Number Line

In this activity, we will explore subtracting negative numbers using a number line.

Step 1: Defining Negative Numbers

First, we will identify the negative numbers. Suppose the numbers are -2 and -4.  

Step 2: The Number Line

Draw a number line.

Step 3: Subtracting Negative Numbers

Now, let’s see how to subtract negative numbers using the number line. Consider (-4) – (-2), to demonstrate how to subtract negative numbers using a number line. Start at -4, move 2 units to the right (equivalent to subtracting -(-2)), and end up at -2.

Steps of plotting negative numbers on a number line (5)

Let’s explore some exercises. Also, you can explore 15+ Free Inequalities on a Number Line Worksheet for a better understanding of inequalities and number lines.

Multiple Questions to Find Negative Numbers on a Number Line

In this activity, you will be using a number line to explore negative numbers and their positions. Here, your task is to find the right answer from the given options. All the given options will tell you the new position of the negative number after doing some mathematical operations with it. So, read the question very carefully and choose the right position of the negative number among the options. Steps of plotting negative numbers on a number line (6) Are you ready for some exercise? Let’s go!

Simple Word Problems on Showing Negative Numbers on Number Line

In our last activity, we will solve some simple word problems to show negative numbers on a number line. Read each problems carefully and observe the clues for finding the correct answers.

Are you interested in exploring more about plotting numbers on number lines? Then you can go through my other article named 10+ Free Plotting Rational Numbers on a Number Line Worksheet.

Download Free Printable PDF

Download the following combined PDF and enjoy your practice session.

So today, we’ve discussed negative numbers on a number line worksheets using the concepts of plotting negative integers on a number line, comparing and ordering negative numbers, plotting unknown numbers on a number line, addition, subtraction, and multiplication of negative numbers on a number line, multiple choices, and some interactive word problems. Download our free worksheets and after practicing these worksheets, the student will surely improve their mathematical skills and have a better understanding of this topic.

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