Bible Study for K- 2nd Graders – Standing Firm: Putting on the Armor of God

Bible Study for K- 2nd Graders - Standing Firm: Putting on the Armor of God
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Last fall God placed on my heart the need to be intentional about teaching my boys scripture.

As the conviction hit, I ended up creating a Bible Study that I could do with my two boys. Standing Firm: Putting on the Whole Armor of God is what came from it.

And here is what it entails:

Memorizing Scripture

At the very beginning of the study, your children are encouraged to memorize Ephesians 6:10 – 20. As the children learn each verse they get to color in a Roman Soldier. When they have completed the whole passage, their Roman soldier will be completely colored in.

Bible Study for K- 2nd Graders - Standing Firm: Putting on the Armor of God

Reading Verses

I want my boys to reading verses from the Bible and analyzing them. Throughout this study, I instructed my boys to circle words and draw arrows to their descriptions.

Bible Study for K- 2nd Graders - Standing Firm: Putting on the Armor of God

They looked for answers to questions in the verses provided, and we even did a verse search on the internet to shed light on lies we have heard on TV.


My boys love to draw, and I wanted to incorporates this into this study. The majority of the lessons have a place where our young ones are asked to draw.

They may be asked to draw about…

  1. What they have learned.
  2. Illustrate a verse
  3. or draw about an area of their life they need to work on based on the lesson

if your child is a writer instead of drawers, they could easily write about it instead of drawing.

Bible Study for K- 2nd Graders - Standing Firm: Putting on the Armor of God
Here my Kindergartner read verses about how we can show love. He decided to draw about sharing the last muffin. If you know how much my boys love to eat, you will know that this is a definitely a way he was thinking about others more than himself.

Handwriting Practice

I will be the first to admit that my boys struggle with producing neat writing. We are constantly working on it, and I wanted to incorporate it into this study. Now my boys have memorized scripture, read through it and analyzed it, drawn pictures about it, but they have also written it. I love that while learning a necessary skill…producing a written product that anyone can read… they are being able to do it with scripture.

God says that His Word will not return void and I’m counting on that as we use It in everyday practices.

Our Responsibility

We have an incredible responsibility to raise up children that will stand firm in their beliefs. Somedays it feels overwhelming, and all I can do is pray that God will change and conflict hearts till they are totally dependent on Him. That He will place a desire in their hearts to stand firm by putting on the whole armor of God on and being dependent on His strength to be the man or lady that God desires them to be.

My boys and I have been praying for the families that participate in this study. We pray that each of you…I have been convicted through this study too…develop a deeper relationship with your Heavenly Father and lean on Him for the strength to be a light in this dark world.



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