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Fraction Craft | Inspired by Full House Book | Free Printable

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Fraction Craft

This fraction craft is based on the book, Full House, which teaches children about fractions. Children will make a craft of a house, review shapes, then figure out the fraction of house guests to rooms in the house.

Read the children’s book Full House with your kids, and then invite them to make a fraction craft. It is a fun, hands-on way to introduce fractions.

Full House Fraction Book

Have you ever heard of a book repeatedly, but just never quite gotten around to reading it. I have to admit that is how it was with Full House: An Invitation to Fractions. 

I’ve seen the recommendation to read the book Full House numerous times but never picked it up. Finally, I snagged a copy.

I was not disappointed.

This book is just delightful with its short rhyming sentences and colorful pages. Of course, I loved the great introduction to fractions it provides.

A fraction craft of a house from the book, full house on a wooden table.

Fraction House

The story is based on this sweet little lady who has a house with six rooms. The book begins with all rooms being empty, and as the book progresses the rooms slowly fill up with interesting characters.

As each person fills an empty room, a fraction is shown to represent the number of rooms filled.

All the guests sneak out of their room to enjoy a forgotten cake at the end. We enjoyed some great talks about predicting and a little about the author’s purpose.

We went back to the place where the author shows the cake is sitting forgotten in the clean kitchen.

(I’m not totally sure how anyone could forget such a yummy-looking cake! It wouldn’t have been forgotten in my house.)

Anyway, I asked my boys why the author would have put this in the book, and they began to understand where the guests were headed.

The final page shows a fraction once more… this time with the cake.

Fraction Craft Activity

Once we finished reading, it was time for a fun fraction craft.

  • First, I handed out the three printables. I asked my boys to find the rectangular prism, rectangles, pentagons, and the trapezoid. After that quick review,
  • Secondly, I had them cut out everything except the small rectangles.
  • The next step is glue time. The rectangle goes on first with the trapezoid being the roof. My first grader put his on crooked (which I liked the look) while my kindergarteners went on straight.
A fraction craft is made with blue and pink construction paper.
  • For the fourth step, it was time for the pentagons. They go on top of the trapezoid. I liked them hanging off the top, but I let my kiddos glue them on however they wanted.
Adding yellow windows to a fraction craft house made of blue and pink construction paper.
  • Finally, we glued the rectangular prisms on the side of the house.
A fraction craft is made with blue and pink construction paper.

Hands-on Activities for Fractions

Though we had a shape review, it was time for some fraction fun. First, I told them they could decide how many rooms their house was going to have.

My kindergartner decided to stick with the book and do six rooms, while my first grader chose a different number.

Next, they glued on their windows, and then I told them they got to decide how many of their rooms were filled up.

Finally, after some debate, they decided and then colored that amount of windows yellow.

A fraction craft is made with blue and pink construction paper.

Now we got to do the math!!! The boys figured out what fraction of their rooms was filled, and they wrote that fraction on the back.

Fraction House Activity

Now it is time for some creativity with this fun fraction craft. You can make this part as simple or as messy as you want.

You could just provide crayons and markers or you could throw out the glitter, paint, pom poms, and other craft supplies and see what your little ones create.

My boys ended up just coloring with markers and crayons, while the twins went to town with their do a dot marker.

Finally, we were finished. Everyone was thrilled with their craft and was excited to show them off.

Well, all except my twin girl, who had lost interest and moved on to another activity.

A fraction craft is made with paper and colored with markers on a wooden background.
A fraction craft is made with paper and colored with markers on a wooden background.

Enjoy this fun craft time with your kiddos, and don’t forget to check out other crafts that correlate with books at Emma’s Owl.

Fraction Craft Printable

Below is the free fraction craft pdf. You can download it by clicking on the download button and it should automatically download to your device. Check for it in your download folder.

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