20 Free Valentine Math Activities For Kindergarten Through 5th Graders | Printables

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Valentine’s Day Math Activities

When we think about Valentine’s Day, we often think about social skills, writing, handwriting and more. But, Valentine’s day offers so many opportunities to work on math skills too. And, I’ve compiled a list of the best Valentine’s Day Math Activities. They include Valentine’s Day math worksheets, printables, PDFs and more.

So grab your conversation hearts and practice math skills with these free valentine math activities. Conversation Hearts Activities are so fun, and for most kids, they are non-allergenic. That can be a concern when it’s a candy holiday.

20 Free Valentine Math Activities For Kindergarten Through 5th Graders | Printables

They include measurement, adding, equations, comparing fractions, and more.

“What did you get?” says one little voice with their head buried in a white bag with glitter and white hearts all over.

“Wow! Look at this card!” exclaims another pulling out a small rectangle with their favorite character on it.

“Yes!!!” says another excited voice as they pull out a yummy piece of candy.

Valentine’s Day! It is such a fun holiday for little ones as each child passes out the cards they painstakingly choose and then gets to dig through their bag to see what they have received.

My kids get excited about it each year, and I love tapping into this excitement and make math fun too.

To celebrate this fun day, I’ve compiled numerous math activities that can be used to make math special! So grab a bag of conversation hearts, many of the activities need them,  and let’s get learning with these Valentine Math Activities.

If you would like to get all the conversation heart printables in one download, they are available here.

Adding and Subtracting Valentines Activities

By second grade we want our little ones to know their addition and subtraction facts well, but there is so much work that needs to be done before the second grade for this to happen.

Children need to be playing with manipulatives to figure out all the different combinations to equal certain numbers. And these activities get them doing just that!

  1. FREE Hands-On Multiplication as Repeated Addition Worksheet
  2. FREE Adding Fractions and Mixed Number Valentine’s Day Game
  3. Fun, Hands-On Task Cards For Teaching Missing Numbers in Equations
  4. Eight FREE Decomposing Numbers to 10 Worksheets
  5. 5 Valentine’s Day Math Centers for Adding Within 10

Multiplication and Division Valentine’s Activities

Multiplication and division can be a struggle for some little ones. One of the activities listed below has children exploring the relationship between the two by making groups and dividing up the hearts. I’ve kept the numbers small so the concept can be developed without a ton of counting happening.

  1. FREE Hands-On Multiplication as Repeated Addition Worksheet
  2. FREE Hands-On Dividing Fractions Activity
  3. FREE Valentine’s Day Dividing Whole Numbers by Decimals Worksheet
  4. Here’s FREE Missing Factor Worksheets or Task Cards For Extra Practice

Valentine’s Day Fractions

I was an upper-grade teacher once upon a time, and with my child entering fourth grade next year, I will be there again. So many times we leave all the cute fun stuff to the lower grades, but our big kiddos like it to. These activities are designed for kids to be able to have fun while tackling hard topics like fractions.

  1. FREE Delicious Comparing Fractions on a Number Line Activity
  2. FREE Hands-On Dividing Fractions Activity
  3. FREE Adding Fractions and Mixed Number Valentine’s Day Game

Learning Decimals on Valentine’s Day

Next, we have some fun decimal activities. Once again, our big kiddos can have fun. One lonely math activity for decimals, but no less fun!

  1. FREE Valentine’s Day Dividing Whole Numbers by Decimals Worksheet

Geometry Valentine’s Day Worksheets

Finally, we hit geometry. There are so many topics to cover in geometry, and these activities work through coordinate planes, graphing, measurement and more.

  1. Coordinates Grid Games | Calendar Pieces | Free Printable
  2. Find the Mean, Median, and Mode with this Fun, Hands-on Activity
  3. These Lines and Angles Worksheets Get Children Building Right Angles And More
  4. FREE Measuring Centimeters Worksheet with a Valentine’s Day Theme
multiplication activity with valentine candy hearts

Repeated Addition With Arrays

Once again, grab some conversation hearts to explore multiplication. There is so much learning in these simple task cards.

First, and most obvious is the concept that multiplication is repeated addition.

Next, a foundation is being laid down regarding arrays.

Finally, the concept of area is introduced.

I hope your Valentine’s Day is sweet, full of love and friendship…and math!

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