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5 Dinosaur Color by Number Printable | Free Worksheets

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These dinosaur color by number printables will help to visualize and understand place value and number systems. 1st grade students will learn basic mathematic methods and can improve their basic math skills with our free dinosaur color by number printable.

5 Funny Dinosaur Color by Number Worksheets

Download the following worksheets for your eager kiddos.

Dinosaur color by number printable

Color by Numbers

Worksheet #1

Color after Addition

Worksheet #2

Subtraction & Color

Worksheet #3

Addition & Subtraction

Worksheet #4

Multiply & Color

Worksheet #5

 These activities will enhance their number sense and basic mathematical sense of your children.

dinosaur color by number            

These dinosaur color by number printable given in these worksheets will make your children count the numbers smartly and do basic mathematical operations.

Dinosaur Color by Numbers 

Make your children count the numbers. Help them to recognize the number. Then from the color code, give them instructions to color the specific area of the worksheet with a particular color.

dinosaur color by numbers in dinosaur color by number printable        

Download the following PDF and color the dinosaurs by counting the numbers.

Dinosaur Color after Addition

In this activity of dinosaur color by number printable, before coloring the dinosaur, your children need to solve an addition problem. From the result of the problem, they will get the color code. After getting the color code, they will color the area of the dinosaur.

Color after addition in dinosaur color by number printable        

Download the following PDF and color the dinosaurs by adding the numbers. 

Subtraction and Color the Dinosaur

In this exercise, before coloring the dinosaur, your children need to solve a subtraction problem. They will learn the color code from the problem’s outcome. They will color the dinosaur’s region after they have the color code.

color after subtraction in dinosaur color by number printable          

Download the following PDF and color the dinosaurs by subtracting the numbers.

Dinosaur Color after Addition and Subtraction

In this activity, your kids must answer subtraction and addition problems before coloring the dinosaur. The solution to the problem will teach them the color code. When they get the color code, they will color the dinosaur’s area.

Color after addition and subtraction in dinosaur color by number printable        

Download the following PDF and color the dinosaurs by adding and subtracting the numbers.

Multiply and Color the Dinosaur

Your children must complete the multiplication problems in this activity before they may color the dinosaur in dinosaur color by number printable. They will discover the color code as a result of the problem’s solution. They will color the dinosaur’s region after they have the color code. 

Color after multiplication in dinosaur color by number printable          

Download the following PDF and color the dinosaurs by multiplicating the numbers.

Download the PDF Worksheet

Download the following combined PDF and practice more.


So today, we’ve discussed coloring area by dinosaur color by number printable using the concepts of coloring by numbers, coloring after addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Download our free worksheets, and after practicing these worksheets, students will surely improve their mathematical skills and have a better understanding of basic math skils.

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