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8 Multiplication Coloring Page | Free Printable

Get 150+ Free Math Worksheets!

These multiplication coloring page worksheets will help to visualize and understand multiplication as well as develop the color sense of 3rd and 4th-grade students. Students will learn basic multiplication methods and can improve their basic math and coloring skills with our free printable multiplication coloring pages.

8 Free Multiplication Coloring Pages

Please download the following coloring worksheets and practice multiplications on the pages.

Multiplication Coloring Pages

1 Digit by 1 Digit

Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2

2 Digit by 1 Digit

Worksheet #3
Worksheet #4

2 Digit by 2 Digit

Worksheet #5
Worksheet #6

3 Digit by 1 Digit

Worksheet #7
Worksheet #8

1 Digit by 1 Digit Multiplication Coloring Page

This segment consists of problems having 1-digit by 1-digit multiplication. You should solve the problems and match the product with the color codes. Then, color the particular areas and complete the whole picture.


2 Digit by 1 Digit Multiplication Coloring Page

In this part, you will receive two worksheets in a pdf. Here the problems consist of 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication. This can be sought to solve the problems and color the specific area. However, you will craft a colorful picture after coloring the pages.


2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication Coloring Page

This portion is quite hard. But don’t worry, I have tried to give you some easy problems here that can be solved without any huge effort. Solve the problems and color the area. I hope you will craft a communique with the instructions and get a beautiful picture.


3 Digit by 1 Digit Multiplication Coloring Page

This is the final portion of this article and maybe the last level of the problems. The equations contain 3-digit by 1-digit multiplication. Download the pages, solve the problems, and color the areas to craft a nice picture.


Download the Free Coloring Pages

Download the following combined PDF and enjoy your practice session.

So today, we’ve discussed multiplication with the multiplication coloring pages using the concepts of 1-digit by 1-digit multiplication, 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication, 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication, and 3-digit by 1-digit multiplication. Download our free worksheets and after practicing these worksheets, the student will surely improve their mathematical skills and have a better understanding of multiplication.

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