Math Board Games For Kids to Practice Addition, Multiplication, Fractions and More
These Math Board Games for Kids will help your children practice adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, fractions, and more.
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My kids love games. When I pull out a game I’ve created or another one I have found….they are so excited. These sweet little boys are great guinea pigs for printable math games.
As much as they love those games, hot off the press, there is something special about board games that come in a box with cool pieces and new challenges. Normally when we think of board games, we think of games like Candy Land, Guess Who (so going to be under the tree for my oldest this year), or Sorry.
But did you know there was a plethora of board games just like Candy Lane or Sorry that have a math focus. It is a perfect way to have fun as a family and sneak in some math practice.
Before I share some of the fantastic math board games for kids that are available for families today, I wanted to share a quick story.
When I was young, my parents had this cool game called Cribbage. It was this rectangular board with small holes and tiny pegs that you moved. We played that game over and over…and it was a special time between my parents and me.
Today, I don’t remember exactly how the game is played….but you know what I do remember. You had to create 15 with your cards.
When I was young, math was not my thing, but I knew how to get to fifteen. 9 + 6 or 7 + 8 was drilled into my brain forever because of this game I played for fun with my parents.
Other games like cribbage.
Classic Yahtzee, An Exciting Game Of Skill And ChanceSKIP BO Card Game
Ninety-Nine or Bust Game
Rummikub — The Original Rummy Tile Game
So if you are looking for some family time and an opportunity to develop math skills, check out this fun list of math board games for kids.
Adding And Subtracting Math Board Games For Kids
Learning Resources Sum Swamp Game, 8 Pieces
This game works on very basic math skills. The children roll two die, add them up, then move their swamp creature around the board.
Sums in Space – An Addition & Subtraction Math Game for Kids
This game throws in subtraction but keeps children adding and subtracting within 10. I love how this game includes options to play against each other or to have families or students work together. They even work on even and odd numbers in this game.
I wish I had known about this game when we first began to work on subtraction. First, the children build the train tracks. Then they move the train around the tracks based on the number they roll on the die. Once they land on a space they solve the math problem and they can even check it!
CLUMSY THIEF – Adding to 100 Game
Just as it is important to learn to add to 10, it is equally important to practice adding to 100. This fun, fast-paced game has children finding combinations that equally one-hundred, grabbing money from other players, and trying to get the “thief” in jail. This is a fun family game, even if you don’t need to work on adding to 100.
Logic Roots Mountain Raiders Board Game with Addition of 3 digit numbers Stem Toy Math Resource
Once your children are doing well with addition in the ones and tens place, then jump to this game with three digit addition. In this game children are off to find the treasure…and along the way, they must add in the hundreds place as well as tackle other challenges that are thrown their way.
Continuing adding and subtraction with these fun money games!
Learning Resources Money Bags Coin Value GamePayday
Lakeshore Allowance Game
Monopoly Board Game The Classic Edition
Multiplication and Division Math Board Games For Kids
For my six-year old’s birthday, he received a spelling scramble game for beginning spellers. He loved, as it was fun to play…and I loved it since they were spelling common words over and over. This game is similar to scramble, but instead of words children are working on creating equations. They can create adding, subtraction, multiplication, or division problems!!
Logic Roots Pet Me Multiplication and Division Math Board Game Stem Toy Math Resource
This game works on simple division. The children use division to feed pets and earn hearts for their good work.
HABA Secret Code 13+4 A Tricky Arithmetic Game (Made in Germany)
This is another game that works on all four basic operations. In this fun game, children must solve a mystery by doing math facts.
Logic Roots Monster Sock Factory First Step To Multiplication Montessori Toy Math Manipulative
In this game, children help monsters in a sock factory get their sock ready to distribute and work on multiplication in the process.
This game has been Endorsed by the Good Toy Guide For 2017 and National Numeracy. With luck cards and token money, there is so much going on that kids will forget they are practicing their multiplication facts.
Decimals and Fractions
Learning Resources Pizza Fraction Fun Game, 13 Fraction Pizzas
This bright colorful game is a fun way to identify fractions, find equivalent fractions and even start adding and subtracting fractions. This game has seven different ways to play so that multiple students can be challenged.
Learning Advantage 4080 The Original Fraction Dominoes Game, Grade: 3 to 7, 6.5
I loved playing dominoes as a child. This game gets children playing this popular game with a fractional twist. The cards have denominators from 2 to 12, including both pictures and fraction numbers, and well as pictures that show parts of a whole or parts of a set.
Logic Roots Froggy Fractions Card Game for Advanced Fraction Skills
This game really gets in to some important fraction skills. Children will be simplifying fractions, comparing fractions, and finding equivalent fractions. The reviews say the directions are vague, but if you are up for figuring them out or creating your own rules….the skills that are being worked on are great.
Educational Insights Free-Range Fractions Game
I love this game as it shows fractions as part of sets. There are a lot of pieces, so if you are planning to use this in a classroom, if may not be the best option. But as a family game, or homeschool game it definitely would work. In this game the children race to figure out what the denominator is.
Educational Insights Fraction Formula Game
In this fun engaging game, the children see how close to one they can get without going over. The children draw fraction cards and fill their cylinders. If they think they might draw a card that will make them go over one whole, they hold. Once everyone has decided to hold, or has gone over one whole, that round is over. The player closest to one wins.
I hope you can find a game that allows you and your family to have a wonderful time together and continue to build math skills.
You’ve Got This
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash